Monday, February 1, 2010


I have decided that for 2010 I was making only one resolution – to make me and my family my priority in all that I do. I have mentioned that we volunteer a lot in our family and that sometimes leaves no time to do what needs to be done around our home or for each other and that has taken a large toll on us.

I used to have fairly regular days or times to take care of basic tasks (laundry, shopping, etc) and that made life easier, somehow I have gotten out of this habit.

Here is my proposed schedule for the next month or so. Hockey ends at the end of this month and I should have at least 2 or 3 weeks before lacrosse practice starts so I will revisit this schedule then.

• Monday - hockey, clean out fridge
• Tuesday - shopping, laundry
• Wednesday - hockey, bathroom
• Thursday - hockey, laundry
• Friday - hockey, meal planning
• Saturday - hockey/skiing, bath dogs
• Sunday - hockey/skiing, meal planning

These are the major activities that need to take place every week but I feel that I am continually behind on. Perhaps with this I can begin to make the day to day things seem less overwhelming and I will have the energy to start on the other projects that need tackling.

Wish me luck!


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