Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Moving Day

I can't believe it is finally here. After 2+ years of talking about it we are actually doing it.

And D you were right I am packing everything today! LOL! You know me far too well.

The past couple of days I have been saying goodbye to friends and it is hard, I have shed many tears and am sure I have more to go, my closest friend is coming by this morning.

We will be back in 2 weeks for Easter and I am hoping to get some people together then as there just wasn't time now so I am looking forward to that and at least three friends will all be in my new hometown in the next month for appointments or work and hopefully we will connect.

This weekend DS3 is playing in a hockey tournament in our new hometown with a team from here so we will still be with friends this weekend. DS1 and DS2 start lacrosse on Sunday and hopefully that will be the beginning of some new freindships.

OK off to load half my life's, ok a quarter of my life's possessions (it is only a 24' trailer after all) into the trailer and get my boys moving.

Next post will be from our new home!


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