Friday, April 2, 2010

Home For Easter and a recap of my Thursday

Wow my house is HUGE!!! After being in the trailer my tiny 1000 sq foot house (on each floor) seems enormous! And it also feels wonderful!

My interview went well, I had a few skills and some experience they were happy to see and I am guessing no one else had, so hopefully that will help. There were 6 women there that I saw and I was the 5th one interviewed. It wasn't super long, not sure if I should have talked more, but it is a pretty basic job and there wasn't much to say. I talked about being an innovator and problem solver and gave concrete examples as it relates to their industry so regardless of outcome I feel good about how I spoke about myself. And that is a big improvement for me!

I had a call yesterday morning from one of the placement/recruitment agencies that I sent my resume to and they scheduled an interview with me for Tuesday morning. The lady said to be prepared for about an hour and a half, they will do an interview and then some word and excel testing. I am VERY excited about this because I believe this is my best shot of getting a good job and not just a job. I am also very excited that they called me instead of me having to follow up. Maybe I am more marketable than I think?

I worked on our taxes yesterday morning also. I am a horrible procrastinator especially with our taxes; probably because I always figure we will have to pay. Well, this year (or rather last year) because of the tuition deduction we are eligible for we will both be getting huge refunds, I mean HUGE, like just under $4,000 combined!!!! (that said I have to go over them and double check but even if it isn’t that big it will definitely be a refund) I was talking with my BFF this morning and she bought QuickTax yesterday – which I love but stopped buying because I really didn’t get the value for the $40, it only takes my a half an hour with a pencil and calculator to do our taxes – and we are going to split the cost and share it; this way I can netfile our taxes and get our refund super quick! Funny how things work out because I had just finished telling DH that we should buy it so we can netfile! Thank you Universe for hearing me!

We are heading out for lunch at McD’s, I have coupons and DH hasn’t bought groceries since I left so there is nothing to eat! And then I will try to connect with some friends and do laundry; we brought home all our laundry - I miss my washer and dryer!

Have a great Easter everyone, I know I will!


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